Emotion Coaching Training Programme – Skills to support young people in regulating their emotions

Get in Touch to Book a place!!

Emotion coaching is about helping children to become more aware of their emotions and to manage their own feelings particularly during instances of misbehaviour. It entails validating children’s emotions, setting limits where appropriate and problem-solving with the child to develop more effective behavioural strategies. In effect, emotion coaching techniques instil the tools that will aid children’s ability to self-regulate their emotions and behaviour. It enables practitioners to create an ethos of positive learning behaviour and to have the confidence to de-escalate situations when behaviour is challenging.


Why do Emotion Coaching?

Gottman’s research has shown that emotion coached children:

  • Achieve more academically in school
  • Are more popular
  • Have fewer behavioural problems
  • Have fewer infectious illnesses
  • Are more emotionally stable
  • Are more resilient

The research demonstrates that emotion coaching:

  • Helps children to regulate, improve and take ownership of their behaviour
  • Helps children to calm down and better understand their emotions
  • Helps practitioners to be more sensitive to children’s needs
  • Helps create more consistent responses to children’s behaviour
  • Helps practitioners to feel more ‘in control’ during incidents
  • Helps promote positive relationships


What participants say about Emotion Coaching


It makes the children feel more secure and gives them a vocabulary to talk about how they are feeling instead of just acting out. This helps them to be more positive and happier.

– (Practitioner

I think emotion coaching has changed completely how I parent and I have been totally raving to all my friends about it.

– (Parent)

When people, like, take the mick out of me, like, in class I’d just get angry and I just hit ‘em. Now the teacher talks to me and it calms me down – the other kids don’t really pick on me now ‘cos they know that I don’t react.

– (Young Person)

Overview of the Training Programme

‘Emotion Coaching’ Training Day – Monday October 3rd 2016 9.30 – 4.30 with Dr Sarah Temple

Doctor Sarah Temple is working as a portfolio NHS GP in Somerset.  With more than 20 years’ experience working with children and young people both within General Practice and Mental Health Services, Sarah has a special interest in the link between child and parental wellbeing. She is currently leading the ECHAP Somerset Emotion Coaching programme across Somerset.

Doctor Sarah Temple

Term Two – Cluster follow up – Tuesday 22nd November 2 – 4.30 PM Castlewood, North Somerset

Facilitated by Neil Harris – High Impact Families

Coaching with Young people training day – Friday 3rd February 2017 9.30 – 4.30 with Judith Tolhurst

Judith Tolhurst has been working in education for 23 years as a teacher, head teacher, and currently as a coach and trainer. She set up her business, Coachlamp Ltd, ten years ago and specialises in coaching head teachers and senior leaders in education. Among her clients are the States of Guernsey, Bath Spa University. She is a fully qualified coach and a full member of the Association of Coaching. She has a B.Ed. from London University and a M.Ed. from Bristol University. Judith has published two books on coaching and how to use it in an educational setting.

Judith Tolhurst


Term 4 – Cluster Follow up – Wednesday 22nd March 2017 2 – 4.30 PM Venue TBA

Facilitated by Neil Harris

Get in touch to book a place!

Helping Young People Regulate Their Emotions

Increasingly young people are finding it harder and harder to manage their emotions effectively resulting in behaviour that can be challenging, disruptive and upsetting to the young person themselves and those around them. Parent and carers are particularly affected by this. Here are some top tips on helping young people to manage their emotions effectively.


  • Provide as much stability and consistency as possible
  • Accept your child’s emotions and emotional responses
  • Talk about your own feelings
  • Encourage children to talk about feelings without judgement
  • Model emotional regulation
  • Teach children positive self talk
  • Identify typical situations that cause emotional outbursts and help children plan strategies to help them manage these
  • Praise children’s efforts to regulate their emotions.


Coaching for Progress are currently developing programmes to help children effectively emotionally regulate. Email us for more details.

Emotion Coaching

Coaching for Progress are delighted to share details of a fabulous project that is currently taking place in Somerset based on Emotions Coaching. The project is about to enter its next stage of development with many more schools becoming involved. Emotions coaching looks much more closely at the neuroscience of the brain and helping children to understand and articulate these emotions.


Dr Sarah Temple and her Colleagues are putting on a conference on January 21st to share the findings of the work which we will be attending. We hope to support and promote this work to a wider audience.


Check back for an update soon…


Please see the following websites for more details.



Also please check out this fantastic mindfulness clip:

Dr Sarah Temple talks about Mindfulness and Emotion Coaching from EHCAP on Vimeo.

Peer Tutoring at Pakeman Primary in London

Coaching for Progress are delighted to have recently worked in Partnership with Pakeman Primary School in London – winners of the National Pupil Premium Awards in 2013.


Pupils were trained in workshops on how to become effective Peer Tutors and they did a fantastic job. We feel confident that under the Leadership of Lynne and Tay the project will become a key part of this innovative school. Headteacher Lynne reported:


The children thoroughly enjoyed the peer tutoring session. They learned to recognise the skills they needed to be effective peer tutors, such as building rapport, active listening and asking effective questions and they were able to get a good understanding of how a session might work using the LEAP model. The resources provided will enable us to continue with the training at school and we are all very much looking forward to putting peer tutoring into practice across the school. A big thank you to Neil for making it so enjoyable and accessible.

All the best, Lynne

Look out for some new exciting developments on our website in the weeks ahead as we start to work in Partnership with Dr Sarah Temple on Emotion Coaching!

Happy 2016

Coaching for Progress in the Press This Week

Coaching for Progress have been receiving lots of positive press coverage this week appearing on ITV West Country news at 6, on the ITV website and also features with The Bristol Post and Western Daily Press.


ITV News Appearance – 22nd September 2015.

Video courtesy of ITN


The 6 News Programme – 25th September 2015.

Video courtesy of Made In Bristol TV


Check out the links below:


Remember you can buy our book at Amazon or contact us for details of training we offer.

The Peer Tutoring Programme receives high praise from Education Chiefs

Coaching for Progress are delighted to report that the Peer Tutoring Programme has received much praise in the press for their work with pupils.


It’s often said, especially by parents in their 30s and 40s, that teachers seem to be getting younger. And they may have a point when it comes to some Bristol schools, where 11-year-olds are leading the learning as part of a ground-breaking initiative.

High-achieving youngsters have been coaching struggling peers at four primary schools in the city as part of a trial.

The bright pupils have been mentoring children up to two years their junior, aged nine and 10, who have fallen behind in English and maths.

And the Coaching for Progress Peer Tutoring programme, an approach devised by two former head teachers from North Somerset, has come in for praise from education chiefs in the city…


Please see the full article here:

Coaching for Progress – The Peer Tutoring Handbook

Judith Tolhurst and Neil Harris are delighted to announce the release of their first book together.

The Peer Tutoring Handbook is a step by step guide on how to set up an effective peer tutoring programme in your school.


Based on a coaching approach it provides background, training materials, session plans, tips and ideas that will that help you make the most of this highly effective approach to learning.


To order your copy click here


The Peer Tutoring Handbook



To watch our video ‘Presenting: Peer Tutoring’ please click here:


Peer Tutoring Video


To download our training brochure please click here:


PDF icon

The Power of Feedback

A golfer that hits their shots in the dark has no idea how well they are doing! They same applies to any element of human performance – How can you possibly improve if you don’t know how well you are doing in the first place?


Feedback is vital if we are to improve so here are some top tips on giving effective feedback to others: Feedback is going to be effective if…


  • It is descriptive rather than evaluative. By avoiding evaluative language, the receiver is less likely to respond defensively.
  • It is specific rather than general. To be told – you did OK is less helpful than being told – “I especially liked the way that you waited for her to finish speaking and listened carefully to what she said”.
  • It takes account of the needs of both receiver and giver of the feedback. Feedback which only considers the needs of the giver is not likely to be helpful to the recipient
  • It is timely. Feedback is most useful when it is given as soon as possible following the observed event. This will of course depend upon the receiver’s readiness to hear.
  • It is checked out with the receiver. It is important that the communication is clear and understood.
    The opportunity is given to the receiver to respond, or give further information/clarification.
  • It is balanced in both quality and quantity, especially when there is both positive and negative feedback involved
  • The person to whom the feedback is directed is invited to review and give feedback about the situation/issue first. This encourages the development of self-appraisal skills.
  • The behaviour is controllable. Criticism of behaviour outside the control of the person is likely to be viewed as unfair and could give rise to feelings of resentment. Frustration may also be an outcome.
  • It is future orientated, not backward looking. Whilst focusing on what went wrong, and why, may relieve your feelings, the objective is to get different behaviour in the future from the other person. Good feedback must focus on what to do rather than what was done.


Feedback is a way of helping someone to learn. It is designed to achieve a specific change in the individual’s behaviour in a way that will help them. Feedback is centred on the needs of the receiver, since otherwise it merely serves to relieve the feelings of the giver, at the receiver’s expense.