A golfer that hits their shots in the dark has no idea how well they are doing! They same applies to any element of human performance – How can you possibly improve if you don’t know how well you are doing in the first place? Feedback is vital if we are to improve so… Read more »
Tag: self-appraisal
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Training, Peer Tutoring, North Somerset, Pupil Premium Funding, Coaching, Emotion Coaching, Feedback, Bristol, Conference, The Association of Coaching, behaviour, Nailsea, Euro Coach List, Sarah Temple, Nailsea School, Primary School, Sefton Park, Education Endowment Fund, Clevedon, Pakeman Primary School, Partnership, Events, Recognition, Summer Schools Programme, Mr Mighty Brain, self-appraisal, science, Year 4, London, Year 7 Catch-Up Premium, Family Coaches, High Impact Family Coaches, Mentoring, Secondary School, Tests, skills, Meta Cognition, Year 5, Sir Michael Wilshaw, Social Care, Growth Mindset, West Country, Infants, Evaluation, Learning,