Neil and Judith visited 5 primary schools in North Somerset to work with both groups and individuals, holding 6 40-minuteĀ coaching sessions. The sessions were activity based with a coaching theme, aiming to get the pupils in a positive mind-set for their SATs and to focus on what they needed to do in the months preceding… Read more »
Tag: Mr Mighty Brain
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Training, Peer Tutoring, North Somerset, Coaching, Emotion Coaching, Pupil Premium Funding, Feedback, Conference, The Association of Coaching, behaviour, Nailsea, Euro Coach List, Sarah Temple, Nailsea School, Primary School, Sefton Park, Education Endowment Fund, Bristol, Mr Mighty Brain, self-appraisal, science, Family Coaches, Year 4, London, Year 7 Catch-Up Premium, High Impact Family Coaches, Mentoring, Secondary School, Tests, skills, Meta Cognition, Social Care, Year 5, Sir Michael Wilshaw, Infants, Growth Mindset, West Country, Evaluation, Learning, Judith Tolhurst, Self Regulation, Yatton Primary School, Workshop, Performance, Yatton Infant School,